Friday, December 11, 2015

Christmas Break Letter!

Dear Parents/Guardians:

I hope your holiday is going smoothly and not too busy. I wanted to send a letter home about what kind of homework you could do with your child over the break. Here are some helpful suggestions.
If you are able, please purchase a writing journal for them or you could also use pieces of paper. Encourage them to write about things they are doing during their break. I would love to collect these after the break and read through them myself. Then they can use these journals throughout the year.
After the break, we are going to start working on re-grouping double digit subtraction in math. Write them a few problems in their writing journal.  I also think going over coins would be a wonderful review. Many of the kids are mixing up quarters and nickels and are having a hard time adding them up. They could also work on their math facts by using XtraMath!
Please Read 20 minutes a day with your child. They can read to you or you can read to them. Remember to record this on their reading log. You could also encourage your child to write their own story and have them read it to you. They can use RazKids over the break. Just go to Click on student login. My username is creinking. Then the kids click on their name and put in their password. They know what it is.
So, please take the time over the break and try some of these homework suggestions. I know it can get busy but it is very important to help your kids practice and learn concepts while they are on break. Thank you for taking the time. I hope your break is wonderful.
I also wanted to let you all know, I will be gone from Christmas break till Spring break. I will be home with my son Noah for several months. I will miss the kids but they will have a great substitute. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Mrs. Reinking

P.S. There are two homework packets. The journal and reading minutes                                            are due after winter break on January 5th. The spelling, reading, and math are due January 8th. 


  1. Thank you so much for the homework ideas!. We can't wait to see pictures of baby Noah.

  2. Thank you so much for the homework ideas!. We can't wait to see pictures of baby Noah.
